diym netlabel blog :: Hear the World

Listen to the music of indie diy artists from around the world!

After a long hiatus.

We are happy to be back with an indie electronica album. Check it out and let us know what you think.


Life Unfolds – Derek Clegg

‘Life Unfolds’ is a collection of Indie-folk songs by singer-songwriter Derek Clegg. This is music written for the wide, open spaces, it’s the kind of music that will have your ipod scratching at the door, begging to be taken outside. Check it out!

Only Music by Sasha Raskin

Electroacoustic. That’s the word that best describes Jerusalem-based Sasha Raskin’s sound, a seamless blend of classical instruments and electronic noise.

“Only Music” mixes drum n’ bass rhythms and synths with everything from blasts of fat brass and funked-out guitars to plucked violin strings and jazzy saxophone lines. Download it here.

Endless Knots: Delta Sounds by The B Regiment

Deeply influenced by the sights and sounds and inhabitants of the bustling capital city Faisal Khan
manages to capture the essence of Dhaka as well as the rivers that sustain it. The music can be
classified as Electronic, but only in the methods of production, because the sound is fresh as the morning catch.

This is music that is native to the most fertile delta on Earth and it is also straight from the heart
of a man who knows of what the water speaks. Hear it now!

Across Town by Derek Clegg

Across Town is a limpid and sparkling work performed with the free-wheeling ease of the natural that we have come to associate with Derek. The orchestration here is more complex and nuanced with modern country stylings, and Derek reaches in even further than usual for the words. Dive in.

Derek has dedicated this album to the loving memory of his brother Kevin J. Clegg.


Nine starts with the almost hesitantly paced, electronic number by 4our5ive6ix and the banjo-led track by Lothian 121 and then crashes into ‘all in’, rock outs with tracks 3 through 5 before finally joining Pete Davis and John Burns in their worlds of soothing melodies and poignant lyrics. Download it now!

The Pottsville Conglomerate on diym Records

Five years in the making, The Pottsville Conglomerate is a tour de force. Between his Chemistry classes in college and his other projects, Pete Davis put together his quirky retelling of a local folk tale in the form of this album that he is now happy and proud to share with you.

This album also marks the birth of diym Records. diym Records will sell music through online distribution sites.

You can listen to the free tracks on the album here or buy Volume I and Volume II from Amazon.

aight, eight.

In compilation eight we feature some delicious electronica with an acoustic number and a hard rock track to mix it up. You can get your fix right here!

Knoxband Remixed

Equinox_Re is a collection of remixes of tracks from the album ‘Equinox’ by Knoxband. Talents like Sintellect, Absolute Entity 01, Nothing But Apes, Ventenner, hyperoxium and Dead Errant Soul come together to recreate an adventure in their own individual styles. Listen to it now!

Beautiful World by Derek Clegg

Two short of a baker’s dozen but with more muffin than should be allowed in a single album, Mr. Clegg follows up his earlier release this year with this set of indie-folk loveliness. Give it a listen!